Private investors are the primary source of funding to help bring The Short Game to life. If you are interested in joining our team, investment opportunities remain. Please reach out directly to the filmmakers via the info link at the bottom of the page.
The excitement of being a part of a motion picture is undeniable. Based on the incredible response we've received from so many offering to support our film project, we will be crowdsourcing to offer the opportunity to provide financial support. Supporters will be able to choose the level of donation that matches both their interest and financial comfort level.
Beginning at a very reasonable $25 and increasing in various increments up to $10,000, these incentives are not considered an investment and there is no profit participation or financial return. However, the items and experiences available at every donation level are truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to be a part of a feature film. Bonuses and some limited items will be available for those who take part early, but fantastic opportunities will be available for even later participants.
Crowdsourcing info and incentive tiers will soon be available. Please check back to this site in the near future.